First off, I finished my Fine Art degree. I gritted my teeth and got through it. Despite despising the subject, contending with chronic pain after my appendectomy (Did I ever mention that?) and also partially rupturing my achilles tendon (boy did that hurt) I managed to achieve a 2:1 with honours and had a successful degree show at the end of it all. I will upload pictures to my neglected DeviantArt account in due course.
Here's one to look at in the meantime.
Secondly I got my motorbike up and running after dismantling it, cleaning it, upgrading parts and treating and respraying the frame. I also replaced the seat and added extra padding to make it that little bit comfier. Once all the work was done I was happily riding round the countryside, up and down the motorways and dual carriage ways at not so sensible speeds and bombing it up to the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales. Sephi of course did a lot of the work and also accompanied me on my ride outs.
Here is my pretty, I named her Flip as she's flipping temperamental! Sephi's VFR800 VTEC is behind.

Thirdly, I got accepted onto a Nursing degree course at LJMU! I'm currently in my 7th week of the course and loving it. I've moved into halls of residence in Liverpool city centre, which is a little odd as I'm living with a bunch of girls all 4 years my junior. I didn't realise what a difference 4 years can make. Ah well, they're all lovely girls so I get along with them just fine. I love living in Liverpool. I get my uniform tomorrow which is exciting, and I start my first placement in November.
Onto the whole appendix situation. For some reason I never mentioned the whole getting my my appendix removed ordeal, started off with crippling pain in the night, which got worse on a day trip to Malvern, met an ignorant Primary Care doctors who classed me as an attention seeking insomniac with bad wind, the following morning I was needing "emergency surgery" and later suffering from dehydration from being on "Nil by Mouth" for 36 hours without a drip and nearly not being able to go into theatre. It was dramatic, though I only remember bits as I was either in shock from the pain or doolally on morphine.
Anyway following the surgery I looked pregnant (swollen abdomen and trapped air) and walked slower than an elderly person with 2 sticks. I also fell down the stairs and managed to tear my abdominal muscles. Clever girl. Once I was sort of mobile again I dyed my hair bright pink, pierced my nipples and bought a motorbike. Inappropriate yes I know. So that was all last August.
Speed up to current day, I'm still in pain. After months of doctors saying take some pain killers and shut up it'll sort itself I've finally been referred to a consultant. Magically around the 12 month mark of non abating pain they started to take me seriously. So I've been diagnosed with a Neuroma; a growth or tumour of nerve tissue. It's developed at the incision site along with lots of nasty scar tissue. Fun fun fun. I'm currently awaiting a referral from the "Pain Team" to have steroid injections to kill it. If that doesn't work, then I'm in for day surgery apparently to cut the damned thing out. I can't wait to be pain free. 14 months now and I hate it!
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