For those interested I've recently taken up crochet and knitting. I love it, though everyone else no doubt thinks I'm boring and sad as a result. I may post pictures of what I've created so far, but that's for another day.
I'm also living in my own flat now; halls was a disaster that killed my sanity with sleep deprivation. So there is just me and my cat Zu. I acquired Zu in March, she's 2 years old, black domestic longhair. Likes to hunt ladybirds, scared of feathered birds, pays with yarn, steals cake and talks a lot. I love her to bits and she's all mine!

Updates from pain land: the pain from my appendix surgery nearly 2 years ago is constantly getting worse. Yay! I hate it. I'm now on maximum dose Tramadol, maximum dose Naproxen and I'm soon to start Pregabalin for nerve pain. The joys of chronic pain, I'm now blacking out from pain so I'm glad I've been transferred to Liverpool pain clinic instead of Preston and hopefully they'll have some better ideas. I'll also no doubt have to tell my woes to a pain psychologist as to be brutally honest being in constant pain makes me really sodding miserable. I'm not depressed, just worn out and have a terrible feeling of injustice.
My nursing course is going well, I'm heading towards the end of my first year. I should pass without too much difficulty, no flying colours though because my health has impacted on my studies somewhat. Though I've only missed 1 day of uni due to poor health, so I'm doing pretty well.
As for what I want to do when I'm qualified; I'm still not entirely sure, become a nurse for a start. I've always been interested in tissue viability and wound care, so I may pursue that, though having followed various nurse specialists and having seen them myself as a patient I'm very interested in their jobs. (Note to self, ask pain specialist nurse how she got to where she is now.)
I'm back on a motorbike now, I have a Suzuki SV650 in candy copper. She's stunning!
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm awaiting Sephi's return, hopefully on a new motorbike as his old one was thieved! TTFN
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