Friday, 18 July 2008

Insomniac Correspondant

Oh deary me, I really can't sleep. What a bother. I'm actually starting to get quite angry with myself for not being able to sleep. Not only is the sleep deprivation taking it's toll on my mental state and energy levels, but now my appearance. My skin has become ashen and less taut, I've broken out in spots, my eyes are dull and drooping, plus no amount of make up will alleviate my dark circles. What joy.

However I've managed to distract myself from my crush. I've found a new obsession. Yes I'm still bowled over by the man in question, but I've put those thoughts aside for the time being. After all I'd far rather have him as a friend first. I just hope I don't see him again soon, as all my hard work will come undone, especially if he winks at me again as I can guarantee I will melt into a pile of mush on the floor, or perhaps even swoon!

Onto the new obsession...... new phone. My current phone is dying an untimely death. The speaker has almost completely packed up now, and the 4 and 6 buttons are extremely temperamental. So, given I can't splash out £100 odd in one go on a new phone, I'm going to switch to contract. Which will also mean I can use my mobile to call everyone instead of the land line. Every month I seem to be shelling out around £20 to my mum to cover calls I've made from the home phone. Seems a bit ridiculous.
Having decided which phone I want (Samsung Tocco), I'm currently seeing what the best deals are, and then daring the salesmen in various phone shops to do better. So far none have come up with anything I like except perhaps orange. However I want to stay with O2, so tomorrows task is to challenge O2 to match or hopefully better the deal by orange. I'll play the loyalty card (5 years) shame it's been on pay as you go, if I was pay monthly I'd have more of an edge when it comes to bargaining. I'm also debating how morally dubious it is to wear a low cut top and push up bra to aid negotiations. In theory playing hard ball and sheer stubbornness alone should do the trick, along with a cheeky smile of course! I have confidence in my abilities to secure the deal I want. I may ask God for some help too; not necessarily to get me a super duper deal, but not to settle for second best and not be tempted to exploit any feminine assets I may have in assisting my pursuits.

Well my singing lesson went well today, despite being 20 minutes late and almost crashing my car. Whoops. I'd been stuck behind the slowest and most irritating driver for about two miles, and I got impatient and as soon as it was relatively safe I overtook. However I didn't realise the other side of the road was falling away at the sides, and ended up almost in the ditch alongside the road!
Fortunately my singing teacher has an amazing ability to calm me down and make me laugh and smile. That and singing always makes me feel 100 times better. Even when I'm shockingly tired and my voice has cracked. At least yawning while singing can have a positive effect of opening up your throat and relaxing the vocal muscles giving a much rounder and louder sound, not so harsh. So from then onwards, a good day.

Yesterday (Wednesday) was The Sims 2 Community Day for Apartment Life down in Guildford. Unfortunately I missed it because I was working, and couldn't really afford the train fare or petrol. However I did have the offer of a spare room to sleep in. I really enjoyed the day for FreeTime in January. Ah well, I'll just have to wait and see if there are any more in the pipeline, but I believe this is it for The Sims 2, The Sims 3 is next and that's a long way off.
However my friend who organises these things said I could come down and they'd sort out a tour of the EA offices for me, after all, I've only seen the old Chertsey one, not the Guildford one! Exciting stuff. It also came with the promise of a spare room to make use of, and a night of ridiculous fun on rock band, no doubt with alcohol involved and to be shown the delights of Guildford! Fun stuff.

Right, it is 4:42 am. I'm going to try and get some sleep, again. Hopefully this time it will be more successful. Previous to this little escapade on my laptop I'd spent several hours just tossing and turning. I'm not liking this bout of insomnia. It's by no means as bad as I've experienced in the past (recalls the time she didn't sleep for nearly 17 days) as I do seem to get some sleep, even though it's only a few hours a morning. I feel morning is more appropriate than night, given that sleep doesn't kick in till gone 2am usually, not for lack of trying however.
Maybe I'll visit Liz, the only time I've received healing from God of a miraculous nature was through Liz. Years of insomnia gone instantly. Very weird, I felt horrendously nauseous when she prayed for me, but my sleeping problems were gone after that, didn't have any trouble. Up until now that is, or rather these past 6 months or so. Not that Liz alone can do anything, but perhaps it will help. Or maybe this insomnia will yield something positive, who knows.

Righto, sorry no scriptural references today. Just a jumble of whimsical prose that no one will find in the slightest bit interesting. Good morning.

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