Thursday, 22 May 2008

The pitfalls of an addictive personality

Or rather an obsessive personality. You end up developing dependencies or obsessions very easily, and the only way to get rid of them is to replace them with another. Oh dear.
Fortunately it's nothing serious, such as switching a chocolate addiction to ginger addiction, or an obsession with pulling out the hair from your toes turning into an obsession with biting your nails (not toe nails might I add). Or perhaps they're just bad habits. Don't worry I won't be talking of any of the major pitfalls of an addictive personality, just the little trivial ones.

One trend of late I have noticed, I seem to have replaced sex with shopping. Goodbye student loan in other words. Whoops. I always loved clothes shopping, however in the past few years I stopped, roughly about the time I started having more physical relationships. But during the dry spells, I returned to the high street with gay abandon. More recently in the few months before I went to New York, (girly stuff went horribly wrong, don't you just love hormones?) I had several huge shopping sprees resulting in so many new clothes to choose from I packed clothes adequate for a month's trip! Whoops, one very heavy suitcase. And well, since then it hasn't really stopped.

I can tell you one thing retail therapy does wonders for you, especially nice new clothes that fit wonderfully, what a boost to your self esteem. But I somewhat doubt my bank balance is as happy. Not in the red by any means, but still......

So I'm left with a quandary in my head, what do I replace clothes shopping with? I don't intend to have sex again until I'm married (this is going to be tough), but I can't carry on spending given my low income and lack of storage. Something to satisfy the libido, material and earthly desires. I really shouldn't be so captivated by our consumerist culture, but the alternative it seems is very frustrating, even when you do have a man, as quite frankly men's libidos can never match a woman's, and I'm not even in my prime yet! Mmmm....... Maybe trying to balance?

Going off on an tangent here be warned. Went for physio today for my dodgy knees, my problem is I have hyperextensive joints (hypermobility), sounds pretty cool doesn't it, aside from the odd party trick it 'aint much fun, just painful. In fact some of the party tricks are painful too, one particular event of toppling down 3 flights of stairs, with a little push after showing someone I can get my legs round the back of my head. Ouchies, I can tell you that. But strangely enough, I've never been able to do the splits, somewhat disappointed as a result actually.

Anyway, I have to strengthen and build up my quads and hamstrings again, and to do this I've been prescribed a balance board! Yay, I'm rubbish at them. But I will learn, watch this space, I'll be a pro in no time. I just hope it satisfies libido! Just have to go out and buy one now. Basically it's a circular board, either wood or plastic, and underneath half a sphere on which you have to balance whilst standing on top of the board. Much harder than it looks as I found out today.

At first I thought the rehabilitation of my knee joints would be easy like last time, just various exercises. And I was given them, to do easy peasy. But apparently given the current strength of my locomotive muscles, I have to do about 3 times as much as previously. I am destined to have rugby player legs, they're already getting there, they are all too frequently mocked for being larger than a lot of guys' leg muscles I know. Pah, they're just scrawny! I quite like my shapely legs, means I can't buy as many knee high boots as they don't fit round my calves.

Right oh, I'd better head off to the land of nod. It's getting late, I've had too many late nights recently, either having people round till 3 in the morning, having phone conversations to the early hours, or deciding that after finishing work it would be a good idea to go and have several brews at someone's house, however I didn't finish work till gone 1am! Ah well, I guess, apart from this week, I don't regularly make a habit of burning the midnight oil, so I'll live.

So, I will leave you with a quote I am somewhat fond of;

"Phrenology taught us that the mind thinks by means of the brain, is liable to become fatigued by too long attention, as the locomotive muscles are by too much walking; and I therefore proposed to them to take a brief rest. "
George Combe

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